
The early stages of Intune Wellness began in Chicago in 2008. Primarily working with dancers and performing artists, Intune offered accessible integrative massage therapy promoting the connection of getting ‘in tune’ with one’s whole self.

Fast forward to the present after 15yrs in Denver, many holistic and wellness trainings and certifications, and a global pandemic, Intune Wellness has expanded to its current studio space in the RINO neighborhood of Denver, CO incorporating its mission and values.

It has grown to offer 1:1 sessions of energetic balancing and attunement using Reiki, ancestral medicine, sound healing, intuitive readings with integration, and coaching.

Intune Wellness also offers in-studio and travel options for corporate wellness, workshops, retreats, and group sound bath meditations.

What we value






Our Mission

To empower my clients and community to connect to their own intuition through various modalities. Reawakening them to thrive, to create a path to empowerment, and demonstrate that vitality in their world and in the collective.